
Destinations used in the Lectra AI integration module and in Designer are created and modified in the Destinations sub-menu of the Data Configuration menu.

Create a new Destination

In the Destinations sub-menu of the Data Configuration menu, the Add button allows you to configure the Destination created in the Destinations sub-menu.

You must complete the Code and Label fields. You can also set a Definition.

You should then choose among the Available Branches those that will be associated with this Destination. The illustrations created in the applications will be positioned in those branches.

By checking Description, you set the Lectra Board of the Description branch of the products as the destination.

Validate the creation of your Destination by clicking Save. It will then be proposed when defining the compartments in the various applications.

Modify a Destination

Only Destinations that are not already used can be modified.

In the Destinations sub-menu of the Data Configuration menu, pick an existing Destination in the list. Once it is open in the right side of the window, you can modify its settings. Click Save to validate the modification.

Delete a Destination

Only Destinations that are not already used can be deleted.

In the Destinations sub-menu of the Data Configuration menu, pick an existing Destination in the list. Right-click for the Delete Destination function.