Data model

To access : select Data Configuration> Extend data model

The Data Model tab allows you to create custom configurations by adding fields and links to the various PLM entities.

Data model list box   

This box on the left of the main window displays the list of fields and roles for each of the different objects. Each list is ordered alphanumerically.

The meaning of the different symbols encountered in the tree menus  

Depending on their type, a specific context menu (right-click on name) is associated to the entities, their fields and links.

New field or role edit box

This box on the right of the main window corresponds to the box to edit or view data in customized fields and roles.

General information about custom fields

The various attributes common to the different Types of fields are as follows :

Attributes for the different types of field:

General information about custom roles

An entity's customized role is defined by its  Name and its Target entity. Depending on the chosen Target you will have different attributes.

The various attributes common to the different  Targets are as follows :

Specific attributes for the following targets:

You can create a customized role to another customized role where this role has been applied to the server.

Display the field or role attributes

The standard field or role attributes cannot be viewed.

  1. In the tree menu, click on the name of the field or role to view.

Add a customized field or role

In the customized field or role tab, an asterisk * in front of the field or role name indicates that this field or role has not yet been saved

  1. In the tree menu, right click on the name of the entity to which you wish to add the field or role, then select  Add custom field or Add custom role.
  1. In the editor, enter your data.
  2. Save your new field or role either by clicking on the button.

Modify or delete a customized field or role saved locally

Until a new field or role has been applied to the server, shown in the tree menu with the > or   symbols, it can be modified or deleted.

Apply all the customized fields or roles to the server  

Once the new fields and roles have been defined locally, they must be sent to the server to be taken into account.

The new field and role data are sent to the server in archive form. After processing, the new field and role names will be displayed preceded by icons for the field and for the role.

Procedure :


See also : How to make an attribute active in the Attributes branch? (see Application-Configuration_Manual)