Sequences management

To access  : selectData Configuration > Sequence management

Sequence management enables to generate unique strings called sequences. A sequence can be concatenated with identifiers thus enabling the creation of unique identifiers.

A sequence is defined by its name (alphanumeric) and its possible different numerical values.

To create a sequence, you need to give :

  1. a name (alphanumeric and mandatory) to identify the sequence,
  2. a value (numerical and mandatory) from which the value of the next sequence will be calculated,
  3. the incremental value (numerical and mandatory) that will be added to the last value required.

Let’s take for instance a sequence with an Initial value set to 10 and an Increment of 10, the following values will be obtained for this sequence: 10,20,30

You can define a maximal value (Max.value) from which the sequence value will be reset to its initial value. If you take the previous example with a Maximal value set to 100, when the value reaches 100, the next sequence will be 10.

The sequences can be defined outside the PLM Manager via an Excel file to be later on imported into the PLM Manager. They can also be exported in an Excel file generated..

In case you want to define the sequences outside the PLM Manager but do not have any Excel sample file, you can export the sequences of the PLM Manager to provide a formatted sample file.

Add a sequence :

  1. Click Add button.
  2. Type in the Name, the Initial value and the Increment.
  3. You can eventually type in the Max.value
  4. Click Save button.
  5. The Last Value field is filled.
  6. The Name of the new sequence is displayed in the frame on the left.

Modify the values of a sequence

  1. In the frame displaying sequences, click on the name of the sequence to be modified.
  2. Type in the new values.
  3. Click Save button.

Import sequences

  1. Click Import… button
  2. The import directory window opens.
  1. You can eventually select the format: Typexlsx or xls, select the import file name, then validate

Export sequences

  1. Click Export… button.
  2. The export directory window opens.
  1. You can eventually select the format: Typexlsx or xls, type in the export file name, then validate

Delete a sequence