Currency definition

To access currencies: select Data > Currencies

To define the Default Currency in your application, go to Set-up > Options.

List of currencies box :

This box on the left of the main window displays the list of defined currencies ordered alphanumerically. The button enables to create a new currency.

Currency data box:

This box on the right of the main window corresponds to the currency data edit box

A currency is defined by its Name , Abbreviation, Symbol, Description and Rate. The Season invariant rate enables seasonal rate changes to be ignored. To the right of these fields, the different seasons for products for which it is possible to define a Rate are displayed.

Create a new Currency

  1. Select Data > Currencies .
  2. Click on Add button.
  3. Enter its Name ( mandatory and unique) its Abbreviation ( mandatory and unique) its Symbol, its Description and its Rate. By default, the rate equals 1. If you check Season invariant rate, you must enter the Rate value.
  4. For the different seasons, you can eventually enter the Rate by clicking in the corresponding Rate field.
  5. Click on Save (above the currency frame) to save the new currency.

Edit a currency

Duplicate a currency

Duplicating a currency duplicates all of the original currency's data except for Name and Abbreviation .

Delete a currency