Measurement units definition

To access to Measurement units : select Data > Measurement Units.

A measurement is defined by its name, to which units are assigned (e.g.: measurement name: Metric with the meter, centimeter and millimeter as units.

List of measurements box :

This box on the left of the main window displays the list of defined measurements and their units, ordered alphanumerically. The Add and buttons enable to create respectively a new dimension and a new unit .

Measurements units data box:

This box in the center of the main window corresponds to the measurement unit edit box

A unit is defined by its Name , Abbreviation, Accuracy (number of decimals), Description  and Comment.

Unit conversion table box

This box on the right of the main window displays, for the current unit being edited, its conversion ratios with other units.

Where N/A is displayed, this indicates that the conversion to other units has not been carried out.

Create a measurement and its units

The procedure for creating a measurement and its units consists of 3 steps:

  1. Creating the measurement name
  2. Creating the measurement units (minimum of one unit)
  3. The unit conversion ratio from a reference unit in another measurement .

We will now describe this procedure using an example. Take, for example, the creation of a measurement entitled Roll and for which we will define 3 units: 10 meter roll, 20 meter roll and 50 meter roll:

  1. Select Data > Measurement Units then click on
  2. A new «measurement» field is added at the bottom of the list. Enter the new dimension’s name and validate by pressing Enter on the keyboard.
  3. The name of the new measurement is added to the list of measurements ordered alphanumerically.
  1. In the list, select the name of the new measurement then click the Add button, or right click the new dimension name then select New unit.
  2. In the data box, enter the Name ( mandatory and unique) the Abbreviation ( mandatory and unique) the Accuracy in other words the number of decimals, the Description  and the Comment.

If it is the first unit created for the measurement :

  1. Click on Save (above the units frame) to save the new unit .
  1. The conversion table displays the units of the other dimensions with, in the unit-> "current unit abbreviation" and "current unit abbreviation" ->unit columns, N/A showing that the conversion into other units has not been carried out.
  1. Click into the "unit-> "current unit abbreviation" column, at the level of the reference Unit for which you wish to enter the conversion ratio input the conversion value and then confirm by pressing Enter on the keyboard. The separator between the whole number value and the decimal must be a period (e.g.: 0.01).
    For example, if in a dimension called Roll, you wish to reference its unit (50 meter roll) in relation to the meter unit of a dimension called Metric, simply enter 0.02 (1/50th of a meter).

If at least one of the dimension units has been created:

  1. In the Rate initialization box: select Reference unit in the corresponding drop-down menu.
    : The list of reference units corresponds to all of the units in the current dimension.
  2. In the Rate initialization box: in the Rate (from unit to reference unit)  field, enter the conversion ratio in relation to the reference unit. The separator between the whole number value and the decimal must be a period (e.g.: 0.01).
    For example in a dimension called Roll, you have a "10 meter roll" unit, if you add a "50 meter roll" unit referenced to the "10 meter roll" unit, simply enter 5 (5 times the 10 meter roll).
  3. Click on Save (above the units frame) to save the new unit.

Conversion of a unit into the units of another measurement

When you add a unit, its conversion is automatic only in relation to all the units of the reference measurement . There is no interaction with the other units.

To be able to convert a unit into other units, simply edit the unit and then enter the conversion value in the table.

Example: if you have a measurement , for example Roll which is referenced in relation to a Metric (meter) measurement and if you create a Reel measurement referenced to the Roll measurement , this measurement will not be referenced to Metric, but you can manually enter its value in relation to the meter.

Add a unit

Edit a measurement unit

Rename a measurement

Delete a measurement

Deleting a measurement causes all its units to be deleted.

Delete a unit