Define properties

To access properties: selectData > Values list.

The list of propertiesvalues and single values contains all the existing properties for which you can add, modify or delete values.

Properties values list box:

This box on the left of the main window displays the propertiesvalues list.

The Add button enables to add a new property and the Move Up and Move Down buttons enable to move the selected property in the list.

The meaning of the different symbols in the list:  

Properties values edit box:

This box on the right of the main window corresponds to the value edit box.

Create a new property value  

  1. Select Data > Values list.
  2. In the list and edition box, click on Add button.
  3. at the end of the list, plus an empty field awaiting edition.
  1. Enter the property name.

If you want to enter multiple values consecutively, after each entry press the Enter key. A blank line will appear below the last value entered.

Edit a property or a value  

Delete a property or a value  

Deleting a value deletes its sub values.

Create a new value

  1. Select Data > Values list.
  2. Click on the name of the property for which you wish to add a value.

If you want to add a value to the root:

  1. Click on the  Add new value  button.

If you want to add a value to a branch:

  1. Select the branch value and click on Add value, or select Add brother in the context menu

If you want to add a sub-value to a branch:

  1. Select the branch value and select Add Child in the context menu
  1. Enter the value.