Setting up and connecting a LDAP directory

Security > Configure LDAP

This configuration is to fill 3 tabs: Server Configuration, Users mapping and Groups Mapping.

When a tab has not sufficient information, the symbol is displayed before the name of the tab. Accordingly, the absence of this symbol in the 3 tabs will allow you to test the configuration (Test button) to validate (OK button).

Server Configuration tab

You have 2 ways to connect to the LDAP server (LDAP Protocol framework):


Users Mapping tab

Data entered in this tab allow you to define how to recognize PLM users and what the correspondence between the LDAP fields and the PLM user fields is.

Except for the LDAP Base DN field , all fields are filled by default.

Synchronization parameter

The Filter is a search filter and is expressed in a specific syntax. It is mandatory and filled as soon as entering the Login, but you can complete it.

User fields match

Correspondence tab groups

Data entered in this tab allow you to define how to recognize PLM groups of users and what the correspondence between the LDAP fields and the PLM group fields is.

Except from the LDAP Base DN field, all the fields are filled by default.

LDAP Group Mapping

Name. Example: cn. Entering the username filled the Filter field.

Enable LDAP configuration

Activate LDAP button enables or disables LDAP service on server side.

Validation of the LDAP configuration

Once all tabs are filled, you can validate your configuration by clicking .

Testing the LDAP configuration

For LDAP configuration is taken into account, it is necessary to restart the application server. You are then able to test it.

  1. Click the Test button.
  2. You are informed, by a message, about the LDAP configuration test result.
  3. Confirm the message.
  4. Confirm the LDAP configuration by clicking the OK button.
  5. Configure LDAP window closes and on the bottom of the Edit Connection window displays the message LDAP repository configured. At this stage, you can synchronize the LDAP.

Synchronize the LDAP directory

Synchronizing the LDAP with the FIP platform adds all users concerned by the configuration. The date of the Last synchronization is displayed above the tabs, at the bottom of the Edit Connection window.

  1. In the Edit Connection window, click the Configure LDAP button.
  2. Click Synchronize.
  3. You are informed, by a message, about the result of the synchronization.