Define lookup values

Classification> Define Lookup Values

Editing lookup values

The left frame of the main window displays the standard axes of classification as well as the axes of classification you have created.

This list can be classified in two ways:

Editing values ​​and sub-values

The sub-values ​​are designated as Children.

The right frame of the main window displays:

Set the values ​​of classification

To add a lookup value:

  1. Classification > Define Lookup Values
  2. In the Lookup Values ​​tab, click Add: an empty field is added at the end of the list, waiting to be edited.
  3. Enter the name of the lookup value, then press the Enter key.

If you want to enter multiple lookups ​​in a row, press the Enter key after each entry. A blank line will appear under the last entered value.

To add a value or a sub-value to a lookup value:

  1. Classification > Define Lookup Values
  2. In the Lookup Values ​​tab, click the lookup value on which you want to create a value.
  3. In the Selected Lookup tab,
  4. An empty field is added at the end of the list, waiting to be edited.
  5. Enter the lookup's or the children's name and confirm with the Enter key.

If you want to enter multiple lookups ​​in a row, press the Enter key after each entry. A blank line will appear under the last entered value.