Data model

Data Configuration > Extend Data model

This tab allows you to create personalized configurations by adding fields and roles to different PLM entities.

Data model list box

This box on the left of the main window displays the list of fields and roles for each of the objects.

Every character is made up of 3 icons:

Apply. Allows all the parameters made here on the server to be applied.

Import... (see Import and export the configurations )

Export... (see Import and export the configurations )

Meaning of the main icons

A specific contextual menu appears when you right click on the entity, field or role.

New field or role edit box

This part on the right of the main window is the box to edit or view data in customized fields and roles.

The tabs for each field or role created or viewed are arranged at the top of the box. If a field or role has not been saved (modified or created) an asterisk * precedes the field or role name.

View the field or role attributes

The attributes cannot be modified.

To view the attributes:

1. In the tree menu, click on the field to view then select Display field attributes of the field (or Display role attributes if you click on a role).
2. The attributes display in a window on the right.
3. A tab corresponding to the field (or role) is created at the top of the window.

The standard field or standard role attributes cannot be viewed.

Add a customized field or role

In the customized field or role tab, an asterisk * in front of the field or role name indicates that this field or role has not yet been saved

To add a customized field or role:

1. Right click on the entity to add a field or role.
2. Select Add custom field (or Add custom role): the editor for the new field (or role) will display.
3. Enter your data in the editor.
4. Save your new field (or role) by clicking Save : the name of the new field (or role) is added to its entity list preceding the symbols > for a field and for a role. These signs show that the field (or role) has been saved but has not yet been applied to the server. (see Apply all the customized fields or roles to the server).

Edit or delete a customized field or role saved locally

Until a new field or role has been applied to the server, it can be edited or deleted.

To edit a customized field or role:

1. Right click on the name of the field or role to modify it.
2. Select Edit custom field or Edit custom role.

To delete a customized field or role:

1. Right click on the name of the field or role to delete it.
2. Select Delete custom field or Delete custom role.

Apply all the customized fields or roles to the server

Once the new fields and roles have been defined locally, they must be sent to the server to be taken into account.

The new field and role data are sent to the server in archive form. After processing, the new field and role names will be displayed preceded by icons for the fields and for the roles.

To apply a field or role:

1. Click on Apply .
2. Enter the archive name and version in the dialog box.
3. Confirm.