Setting currencies

Data > Currencies

To set the default currency in your application, go to Set-up > Options.

List of currencies

The list of existing currency is displayed. You can Add a currency to this list.

Currencies details

A currency is defined by a Name (required field), an Abbreviation (required field), a Symbol, a Description and a Rate.

With the Invariant Rateoption, rate's season variations is not taken into account. On the right of these fields are displayed the different seasons of products for which it is possible to define a rate.

When a currency has not been recorded (modification or creation) a * precedes the currency's name .

to add a currency:

  1. Data > Currencies
  2. Click Add.
  3. Enter the Name ( Mandatory and unique field), Abbreviation ( Mandatory and unique field), Symbol, Description and Rate. Default rate is equal to 1.
  4. If Invariant Rateis selected, it is mandatory to enter the value of the rate.

  5. In the Rate column, you can enter a specific rate for each season.
  6. Click Save to save the new currency, or Ctrl+S.

To edit a currency:

  1. Click on a currency: it is immediately available on the right side of the screen. You can modify it.

To duplicate a currency:

  1. Right click on a currency > Duplicate currency: on the right side of the screen, the features of the original currency are duplicated. Enter a Name and an Abbreviation, then save the new currency.

To delete a currency:

  1. Right click on a currency > Delete currency.