Setting units of measure

Data > Measurement Units

A dimension is a set of units grouped under one name (eg, a dimension called "distance" could regroup units "mm", "inch" and "meter" and "inch" and "foot", for example )

The principle of creating a dimension and its units includes 3 steps:

  1. Adding a dimension
  2. Adding units in this dimension (at least one)
  3. The definition of conversion ratios with other units.

List of dimensions

All existing dimensions are listed. Units existing in each of these dimensions can be seen by clicking on the icon in front of a dimension.

You can Add a dimension () or Add a unit in the selected dimension ().

A right-click on a dimension in the list allows you to access the Rename Dimension (also possible by double-clicking on the dimension) and Delete Dimension tools .

A right-click on a unit allows you to access Duplicate Unit and Delete Unit tools.

To add a dimension:

  1. Click Add . Fill a name for this new dimension.

To rename a dimension:

  1. Right-click a dimension > Rename Dimension. You can also double-click a dimension to rename it.

To remove a dimension:

  1. Right-click a dimension > Delete Dimension.

Retail units

One unit is defined by a Name (required field), an Abbreviation (required field), a Accuracy (number of decimal places), a Description and a Comment.

On the right, the conversion ratios of the current unit with other units are displayed.

Marked N/A indicates that the conversion to the other units was not performed.

To add a unit:

  1. Data > Measurement Units
  2. Click Add .
  3. Enter the Name ( Mandatory and unique field) Abbreviation ( Mandatory and unique field), Accuracy, Description and Comment.
  4. Click Save to save the new unit, or Ctrl+S.

To edit a unit:

1. Click on a unit: it is immediately accessible on the right side of the screen to make changes to it.

To duplicate a unit:

1. Right-click on a unit > Duplicate Unit: on the right side of the screen, the characteristics of the original unit are duplicated. Enter a Name and Abbreviation, then save the new unit.

To remove a unit:

1. Right-click on a unit > Remove Unit.