Definition of values lists

Data > Values Lists

Values lists ​​are properties that will be used at multiple locations in the Product Developer and for which multiple values ​​exist.

There are several types of values lists​​:

List of values lists

All existing values lists ​​are listed on the left side. The values ​​of the selected list values ​​are shown on the right.

To add a list of values:

1. You can Add a values list ​​or change its position in the list with the Move Up or Move Down buttons.

To rename a list of values​​:

1. Double-click on a values list ​​to change its name.

Only custom lists can be renamed.

To delete a list of values​​:

1. Right-click on a list of values​​> Delete Values List.

Only custom lists can be deleted.

Detail values

When you select a values list ​​on the left side of the screen, the values' detail appears on the right side.

To add a value:

1. Click Add Value and name the new value.

when you add a value, it has the same level as the selected value. If a sub-value is selected, the new element will be a sub-value too.

To reposition a value:

1. Use the Move Up or Move Down to change the position of the selected value.

To add similar item:

1. Right-click on a value > Add Brother to add value on the same level as the selected value.

To add secondary element:

1. It is possible to define sub-values ​​in a value, and that on many levels (sub-sub-value ...).
2. To do this, right-click on a value> Add Child and name the new element.

To rename a value:

1. Double-click a value to change its name.

Standard values ​​(found in values list of ​​type or ) can not be changed. Only custom values ​​can.

To remove a value:

1. Right-click on a value> Delete value.