Validation tables

Data > Validation Table

You can set tables that will be visible in the associated product Objectives tab. It will then be possible to modify the data of these tables in Product Developer .

List of validation tables

Add. Creates a new validation table .

Remove. Allows the removal of a validation table .

Import... . Allows you to import Excel files once you have filled them with data. The table name is shown in the second column of the first line of the Excel spreadsheet.

Export... . Generates an Excel file (including the configuration of the table and data ) for entering data . The structure of the Excel file can not be changed.

List Definition columns

Add Column. Allows you to add a column.

Remove Column. You can delete a column.

To set up a validation table :

1. Create a table
2. Add, define and organize the columns
3. Assign tables to a product type
4. Save the validation table

To create a unique key :

1. The data lines whose Key column is checked are assembled into a single key.

A unique key is not mandatory , but it ensures the uniqueness of each row in the table.

To define the columns of a table validation :

1. Add Column creates a new column.
2. Enter a Name and a Data Type for each.
3. Select Key so that the corresponding column is part of the unique key.
4. Save the columns of the validation table .

To edit a validation table :

1. Select the table to edit.
2. Add, delete or reposition columns
3. Change categories of assigned products
4. Save the columns of the validation table.

To enter data in a validation table :

1. Once defined the columns of the table, Export .... You generate an Excel file containing the name of the table and its structure.
2. Enter the appropriate data in the columns. Save the file.
3. Import... the Excel file filled.

Data from a validation table can also be modified from Product Developer.

To reposition a column:

1. Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to change the position of the selected column.