Load content

You can massively load data into the PLM.

The data are from bundles containing:

Many file formats are recognized by the PLM, though there are some restrictions:

The compressed archive file (zip) must contain a single Excel file that must be at the root of

the compressed file (zip). For binary files, they must must be in directory named Files in the compressed file (zip).

My Data tab

Data > Load My Data

The Excel is composed of several tabs. Each tab contains a single object type.

CollapsedData types table on the Main menu tab.

The data are injected tab by tab in the display order (left to right) in the Excel file. This order can be modified, except for the Main menu and User guide tabs.


On each tab:

  • each cell in the first row (1) contains a code that enables the DataLoad module to recognize the object and the field, as well as the associated data. This row is hidden in normal use.
  • each cell in the second row (2) contains the data identification name but is not interpreted by the injector.
  • For each of the data fields, the data values start from the third row (3).

Import phase

To import an Exel file:

1. Data > Load My Data
2. Click Import an Excel folder. Point to the desired Excel file and click OK.
3. It then appears as a bundle in the My Data tab. Its status is not applied.

To import an existing package:

1. Data > Load My Data
2. Click Import. Point to the desired .bundle folder, and click OK.
3. The bundle appears in the My Data tab. Its status is not applied.

Export phase

To export a sample Excel file:

Export a sample Excel file lets have a correctly formatted basis to create data that can be then imported.

1. Data > Load My Data
2. Click Sample
3. Choose a sample file With data or Without data
4. Make it point to the desired folder and click OK. The example file is created and open to change.

To export a bundle:

Export a bundle allows to exchange with other servers.

1. Data > Load My Data
2. Right-click on a bundle in the list > Export bundle
3. Make it point to the desired folder and click OK. The bundle is created and free to be modified.

Delete a bundle

To delete a bundle:

1. Data > Load My Data
2. Right-click on a bundle in the list > Delete bundle

Load a bundle

Once imported into the PLM Manager with the correct shape and desired data, load the bundle to the server that supplies the PLM (it adds new values and update the existing values).

To load a bundle:

1. Data > Load My Data
2. Right-click on a bundle in the list > Load
Select a bundle in the list and click Load Bundle.
3. Data from the bundle are loaded on the server.
4. Loading report appears.

On the right, the list of errors that loading caused. Double-click an error message for more details.

On the left, buttons that allow you to filter the data (eg Added entities, Entities added with errors ...)

5. Click Export injection result to generate a file that contains all the information required in-depth study of a potential problem during injection.