Monitoring generated Jobs

Monitoring > Reports


This screen is composed of 3 parts:

Statistics box

This box graphically displays the status of all Jobs, in other words the number of Jobs: Waiting for process, In process , Processed and In error.

A filter allows you to search between 2 dates, on a Path or a User.

Jobs Box

This box displays the history of Jobs generated and their characteristics (Launch time, Status, etc.).

The box is refreshed according to the Report Refresh Rate defined in the Set-up.

Job parameters Box

This box displays the generated Job parameters for a selected Job. It enables the source of a problem to be determined.

Job actions

To see generated Job parameters:

1. The parameters of the Jobs selected in the Jobs box are displayed in the Jobs parameters box.

To restart a Job in error:

1. Select the Job in error, then click Restart Job.

To restart all the Jobs:

1. Click Restart all Jobs.

To delete a Job:

1. Select the specific Job, then click Delete Job.

  • Jobs In progress cannot be deleted
  • Only Jobs In error, Processed or Waiting for process can be deleted
  • If Waiting for processJobs are deleted, they will not be regenerated

To delete all the Jobs:

1. Click on Delete all Jobs.

  • Jobs In progress cannot be deleted
  • Only Jobs In error, Processed or Waiting for process can be deleted
  • If Jobs Waiting for processare deleted, they will not be regenerated