Connection and configuration of an LDAP repository

Configuration and connection to an LDAP repository is performed from Security > Configure LDAP .

Configuration requires the completion of 3 tabs: Server configuration, Users mapping and Groups mapping.


When one of the tabs has not been completed, the symbol is displayed in front of the tab name. Consequently, if this symbol is not in front of any of the three tab names, you can test the configuration (Test button) and validate it (OK button).


Tab Server configuration:


Tab Users mapping:

The data entered into this tab is used to define how to recognize the PLM users and what correspondence there is between the LDAP fields and the PLM user fields.

Apart from the Base DN field of the LDAP object, all the fields are filled by default.


Synchronization parameters:


LDAP User mapping:

Tab Groups mapping:

The data entered into this tab are used to define how to recognize the PLM user groups and what correspondence there is between the LDAP fields and the PLM user group fields.

Apart from the Base DN field of the LDAP object, all the fields are filled by default.


Synchronization parameters:


LDAP Group mapping:

Activate the LDAP configuration

The button Activate LDAP/ Deactivate LDAP activates or deactivates the LDAP service on the server side.

Confirmation of LDAP configuration

LDAP configuration test


For the LDAP configuration to take effect and to be able to test it, you need to restart the FIP server.

  1. Click on the Test button.
  2. a message tells you the result of the LDAP configuration test.
  1. Confirm the message.
  2. the message LDAP repository configured is displayed above the tabs. At this stage you can synchronize the LDAP (see Synchronizing the LDAP repository below).

Synchronizing the LDAP repository

Synchronizing the LDAP repository with the FIP platform means that all the users concerned by the configuration can be added. The date of the Last synchronization is displayed above the tabs.

  1. Click on the Synchronize button.
  2. A message window displays the results of the synchronization.


See also: LDAP_User_Guide document