Definition of groups, users and profiles

To access groups, users and profiles:  Make a choice from the Security menu.

Basic principles:

Security ensures confidentiality and the protection of data by assigning access rights to groups and users.

  • A groups which includes other groups is known as a "Parent" group in relation to these groups.
  • Groups included in a group are known as "Children" in relation to the group they are in.

For these 3 families, it is possible to filter their content in two ways:

Groups, users and profiles initialization principle:

All the  groups, users and profiles and their parameters can be created via an Excel file. To initialize the  configuration, you need to:

  1. Generate an Excel template file based on examples that you put in an initialization folder (Security > Create Exel Security Template File…),
  2. Modify this file with your own data,
  3. Load this file into the PLM Manager (Security > Load Excel Security File…)

To get details on the Excel file content, refer to the Users_access_rights_configuration_Manual document

Groups, Users and Profiles box:

The list of Groups, Users or Profiles names is ordered alphabetically.

Note about Groups:

In the list, each group name is preceded by an icon which appears in two ways:

Note about Users:

In the list, each user name is preceded by an icon which appears in two ways:

Group edit box:

This box enables you to:

The box is divided into two parts: on the left 3 are all the Groups, Users and Profiles available, according to the active tab 2 and on the right 4 the list of groups belonging to the current group.

Under the name of the current group are the Parents groups, Children groups, Users and Profiles tabs.

The button    5 saves the data.

User edit box:

This box enables you to:

The button    3 saves the data.

Profile edit box:

This box enables you to:

The button    3 saves the data.


Group or user allocation procedure (edit):

  1. In the Groups tab, in the list box, click the name .
  2. In the edit box, select the Children groups, Parents groups, Users or Profiles tab (depending on the mode : simple or expert) according to the allocation you have chosen.
  3. In the left list, select the name you wish to allocate then click the symbol. The name is transferred to the right list.

When the arrows are grayed out, this means that the Group or User is protected (see the Groups, Users and Profiles box section)

  1. Click on to save your allocation .

Add a group, user or profile

  1. Select the corresponding tab.
  2. Click the Add icon or or according to the active tab.
  3. In the edit box, a blank page data is displayed with New Grup or New User or New Profile displayed in the tab.
  1. Enter the Name and for a new Profile select the Name Space.

For a user:

  1. Enter the different fields. The Password is mandatory.

For a profile:

  1. In the right menu, click on New then enter the Name and the Value.
  2. For these 3 types, save by clicking on .

Delete a group, user or profile

Deletion causes processing to start immediately to update the PLM Manager.